
The Closing Space – KIOS Seminar Report to Be Pusblished

KIOS publishes its seminar report on February 16th. The launch event is titled Closing Space – The Growing Global Challenges of Human Rights Work.

During the last three years, over 60 states have drafted laws that limit the space for human rights defenders and civil society. Defending human rights in 2015 was even more dangerous than in the previous years. Why does human rights work face such counter action right now? Is the commitment to human rights fading also in Western countries?

In the event, the topic will be addressed also by President Tarja Halonen and Undersecretary Elina Kalkku. The event will also function as a launch for KIOS seminar report Perspectives on the Shrinking Space for Civil Society and Human Rights Defenders.

The event is open to all and will be held in Finnish. Registration by 10.2 via http://goo.gl/forms/j37lTrhB5u or ilari@kios.fi.

See the full programme here


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