
Nepalese Disability Rights Activist Krishna Gautam Shares Experiences from Nepal on September 23rd

Krishna Gautam, CIL-Kathmandu.

The Finnish NGO Foundation for Human Rights KIOS organizes an event on the promotion of the rights of people with disabilities in Nepal. In the event a Nepalese disability rights activist Krishna Gautam shares experiences of his work as an activist and of his life as a person with physical disability living in Nepal. The event is held on Monday 23rd of September.

Within the Nepalese society disability is often seen as a destiny of an individual. People with disabilities are often left outside the societal safety-nets and services – for example basic education is often far from reach of persons with disabilities. In this regard, Gautam is one of the lucky ones since his parents assisted him to go to school as a young boy. Getting a wheelchair allowed Gautam to enjoy more independence in his later life.

Gautam represents an organization called CIL-Kathmandu which focuses to a great extent on improving the rights of people with disabilities and presenting the people with disabilities as active agents of change. CIL-Kathmandu is led by people with disabilities and the change makers of the organization are people with different kinds of disabilities.

The event is held on Monday 23rd September 14.00 –16.00 pm in the Auditorium of Lintulahti 10, 1st Floor.

The event is free of charge and it’s held in English.


Additional information: Maarit Roström, seminaari@kios.fi


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